Coach Dan





Review by Rick Wolff host of WFAN’s “The Sports Edge”
I have often said on the air that sportsmanship is one of those essential elements of youth sports that actually has to be consciously taught by parents and coaches to their kids. You can’t just assume that kids know about sportsmanship. And to that end, as your kids progress in sports and start to get a taste of the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, it’s key that Moms and Dads take a few moments to actively teach their kids how to behave — both when they win and when they lose. To that end, I want to heartily recommend Dan Venezia’s short but powerful book on teaching sportsmanship. Aimed at youngsters under the age of 8, COACH DAN ON SPORTSMANSHIP is the kind of book you can, and should, read to your son or daughter at night, before they go to bed. Dan’s lessons are solid, to the point, and delivered in an easy manner to digest. It’s the perfect lesson book for kids just starting out in sports. For more information about Dan Venezia and how you can purchase his book, check out his website at